| Stücke, Kinder, 4+, 5+, 8+, 9+, 10+, Repertoire, Berliner Schaufenster 2023 |

Somewhere else is just a little further (5+)

A theatrical road movie 
Inspired by the book "The Girl on the Motorcycle" Text by Amy Novesky | 

Paris 1973. One day a girl gets onto a motorcycle and rides off. She wears only what she needs: a helmet, goggles, a leather jacket. In her saddlebags are a pen, a sharp knife, a blank book, lipstick, a beautiful white dress, a hammer 
A little voice tells her: It's too dangerous! Another voice says: Be quiet, listen to the road. And she does. She circles the Arc de Triomphe. She waves goodbye to the Eiffel Tower. And then she rides away across the world. Twenty thousand kilometers, four months. Alone.   
With music, objects and shadows, two players tell the story of a courageous girl who takes off into the distance and finds herself.   


Text and direction: Cindy Ehrlichmann 
Acting:Friederike Alphei, Iduna Hegen
Set Design: Gwendolyn Noltes 
Composition: Friederike Alphei 
Dramaturgy: Dagmar Domrös 
Assistant Director: Michaela Millar 
Production Management: Julie Peters  
Set Construction: Ewald Otto 
Internship: Helena McBurney 
Marketing: Maria Hetzer, Rike Nölting  


»The Girl on the Motorcycle« is used by permission of Amy Novesky, c/o Andrea Brown Literary Agency, Inc. All rights reserved 

Supported by the Senate Department of Culture.